Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Letting Go - the ultimate act of release

One of the things I struggle with is the act of letting go. Most recently I held on to an issue I was faced with – held on for dear life, held on like there was no tomorrow, held on to it like it was the air I breathed, my bread and butter. After working myself up to a frenzy, this energy and effort ultimately manifested in physical illness.

While trying to nurse myself back to health, I realised that the more I held on to this issue, the more ill I became.

Letting go is the natural release which follows the realization that holding on is an energy drain - and quite frankly, it really hurts – physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Not only that, but dependent on the issue, it may lead you to a state where you view yourself as a victim.

I spent the latter part of my day activating the ‘feel better’ controls. No ladies - not chocolate or ice-cream. I had a good cry. Not what my mother would call “the cow bawling”, nor the kicking and screaming as I was known to do as a child when I wanted my own way. I simply took a moment of solitude and had a healthy cry.

And just like that…I released it.

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