Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas 2008 Postponed?

Last night, my dear friend (whom I affectionately call KP) and I were lamenting the state of the economy. I jokingly exclaimed, "My Christmas is postponed until December 2011! I was planning to come to your house to mooch off what you have there! And then rekindle other 'lost friendships' by showing up on their doorsteps and mooching off them too!" We had a hearty laugh at all the possibilities of how we would actually celebrate Christmas this year. We also shared our joy reminiscing on previous years, as the month of December would always greet us with Christmas lights, Christmas trees and various Christmas adornments and decorations.

As a child I always looked forward to Christmas - the aroma of baked ham floating from Mummy's kitchen, Christmas cake, drowned in raisins and rum, staying up late on Christmas Eve watching her prepare the sorrel, the chicken, the roast beef and everything else. Oh how I joyously reflect!

Today, five days into December, there are hardly any Christmas lights put up on people's balconies, porches or trees in their front yards (yet), and all around persons are sharing the same conversation KP and I shared last night.

This morning, I asked myself, "Will my Christmas REALLY be postponed?"

Despite a somewhat dry pocket and a dim outlook for Christmas (when compared to the shopping sprees that I usually go on), I affirm that my Christmas will NOT be postponed! Not this year, not EVER. God is my source, and the Universe is exact in its laws. Whatever you ask for or release into the Universe, it shall be given/provided in abundance. Everyone is feeling the economic pinch at this time, but as we look around at our family and our friends, we ought to revel in the love, encouragement and support that these people give us on a daily basis.

I, for one, am blessed to be surrounded by the people who I work with on a daily basis, my very good friends like KP who has always been a source of strength and inspiration for me, my family who supports my dreams and aspirations unconditionally and my hubby who is a rock to me and keeps me level-headed and grounded. These people are my Christmas. Money may be short, but it just might be possible that with these people in my life, I have experienced Christmas right throughout the entire year.

May the peace and joy of Christmas be with you and yours this holiday season.


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