Sunday, June 7, 2009

When one door closes...

A friend of mine always says, “the only thing that remains constant is change”. Another friend of mine puts a different spin on it, affirming that “when one door closes, another will open”.

As humans, our nature is to resist change. Resist it at all costs. We see it daily in our workplaces, and we see it in our personal and social lives.

I have witnessed a number of changes in my own life over the past few months – changes that I have fought tooth and nail to resist. As recently as this week, I found myself in a state of depression over these changes – three days of seven, were spent in an almost comatose state, shutting out everybody and everything that matters to me, pondering, feeling anxiety, and sometimes, quite frankly, feeling sorry for myself. It was only until I was speaking with another friend of mine this morning, did I realise how needed change is.

While she and I are undergoing life changes simultaneously, the deeper nature of those changes differ. We coach each other through our situations, and we understand each other and each other’s wants and needs.

Being accustomed to a particular situation, we are now both surprised and dis-illusioned after discovering that this great change has occurred – seemingly overnight. Were we blind? Did we not see it coming? We ponder these and other questions, and as we do so, we tend to blame ourselves for not recognizing before-hand the things that didn’t ‘add up’ in this situation. We give our energy to this change that has already occurred, but we hadn’t seen coming, and wonder, “what happened?”

But we now need to focus our energies on embracing the current changes. We ought to recognise all the positives that will come with these changes and not dwell on the things we are losing because of the change.

This period is a new beginning. Only the chapter ends, not the book. We have the opportunity to expand our horizons and experience things we have never experienced before

We both are very blessed to have people who love us and care deeply for us in our lives, people who will always be there for us and we both are healthy, strong and vibrant women.

And so, today we acknowledge that there are no coincidences. Change can truly be a wonderful gift and we vow to embrace the changes we are faced with, with energy, passion and intensity.

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